A small discription of the project. Lorem ipsum fermentum fringilla adipiscing fringilla felis orci justo, potenti tortor quam amet etiam torquent accumsan, hendrerit erat per aenean lobortis tempus pretium. Amet conubia elementum cubilia tempus leo fusce velit tempor vivamus fringilla adipiscing, lacinia fringilla fames eleifend curabitur mattis nunc curae curabitur rutrum, eleifend eros scelerisque rutrum turpis potenti sociosqu pharetra congue suscipit.
1. THE KAISER: Anti-German Hysteria in the American Heartland during World War I:
- poster
- archival
2. THE KILLER: The Influenza Pandemic of 1918
3. WHISKEY COOKERS: The Amazing Story of the Templeton, Iowa Bootleggers
- archival
- promo
4. THE WHITE CANCER: America and its Ku Klux Klan
- archival
5. THE COW WAR: Farmer Rebellions in America’s Heartland during the Great Depression
- archival
1. archive
2. THE KAISER: Anti-German Hysteria in the American Heartland during World War I:
- poster
- archival
3. "Out of Hitler's Reach: The Scattergood Hostel for European Refugees"
- "Out of Hitler's Reach" (10mins.)
- in-depth film and event flyer
- related exhibit; interview with Edith L.Morgan
4. "Camp Crystal City (Texas): Civilian Internment Camp"
- original US-government version (21 mins.)
- condensed version (10mins.)
5. "German POWs in the Midwest"
- in-depth film (57mins.)
- Camp Algona (Iowa)
Vorstand: Dr. Jörg Seiler, Dr. Martin Fischer
Direktor: Dr. Michael Luick-Thrams
Mühlhausen VR 460772